Phone: +27 11 433 8855
Email: info@integralnet.co.za
25 Years of Service Excellence
Level One
South Africa

Power Solutions
Solar Power
With the increase of demand for electricity it is important to look at renewable energy. South Africa is blessed with a lot of sun hours per day. This makes Solar Power the obvious choice. We offer Smart Interactive Grid-tied and Off the Grid solutions.
Uninterruptible Power Supplies offers a reliable short term solution for power outages. Their back up time is normally between 10 and 20 minutes. For longer periods of power outages it is suggested to pair it with a Diesel Generator. We supply and maintain UPS's in size from 1kVA to 300kVA.
Wind Power
In areas where there is constant wind, Wind turbines is a good option for Sustainable Energy generation. We offer Agriculture, Rural and Industrial solutions.
It is necessary to have a good battery storage solution for periods when the renewal sources such as the wind or sun is not available.
We do a whole range of batteries from the standard Lead Acid to the more energy efficient Lithium Ion type.
Diesel Generators
With the threat off daily Load shedding it is important to keep Diesel Power generators in mind. It is a reliable means of power generation for prolonged periods of power outages. We install and maintain three phase generators in sizes from 10KVA to1MVA.
Professional Services
Our Professional team will design the best cost effective power solution using the latest technologies according to the clients needs. All new work will be issued with a Certificate of Compliance. We offer a complete aftersales Service Level Agreement.